Barking is overrated,
start dogfooding.

No matter if you’re a dog or a cat person-company.

Test the heck out of it

Don’t be a stranger to your own product.

Be aware of how good it is. Let colleagues use it internally and provide usability tips to enhance it more and see the bigger picture.

Flawless feedback system

Set up Shake just for the lucky few.

Collect their findings, suggestions experiences or any issues – in one place. Chat in-app and monitor usage to see if the numbers check out.

Grow product culture

Give your team the much-needed say.

Allow your colleagues to relate to – and believe in the product. Remove obstacles and tweak it accordingly before it reaches all end-users.

To sum it up

Dogfooding isn’t gross

Retrieve golden insights from colleagues

React to actionable feedback

Improve your app and web usability

Bug and crash reporting tool you’ve been looking for.

Add to app in minutes

Doesn’t affect app speed

GDPR & CCPA compliant