BitRaptors: Shake keeps our users at the forefront of product development

Shake's detailed bug reports really saved us time!
Juli Pesci, Co-founder

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CarePlanner: Shake improves our everyday communication and bug resolution

Shake is our go-to tool when it comes to supporting app users.
Mark Anslow

StartEngine: Releasing and developing is much more efficient with Shake

Shake’s a great tool for a real-time ear to the ground.
Cameron Ehlrich
Principal software engineer

Blossom Social: Shake is saving us 10 developer hours each week

Out of all the tools we use at Blossom Social, Shake is in the top 3.
Maxwell Nicholson

Vitruvian: Thanks to Shake we are building meaningful user relationships

We’ve been able to work through hundreds of issues thanks to Shake.
Nathan Castlehow
Software engineer

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Bug and crash reporting tool you’ve been looking for.

Add to app in minutes

Doesn’t affect app speed

GDPR & CCPA compliant