What you see is what you get, with no hidden fees

Save 40-50 hours of dev time per month. Give or take.

Free web SDK

Unlimited seats

Unlimited integrations

1 year data retention

Unlimited bug reports

Export data whenever

Sentry backend logging

Mobile app SDKs

Startup pricing

We offer discounts on the Premium plan for early-stage startups. It’s $15 per month for your first year, and $60 per month for your second.

examine console and custom logs

Production add-ons for popular apps

If you distribute Shake SDK in an app that’s been installed up to 10 000 times, you don’t need an add-on. For more installs, you can buy the appropriate add-on on the Dashboard yourself.

10k to 100k installs

$100 / mo

Roughly $ .002
per install per month

100k to 1M installs

$250 / mo

Roughly $ .0005
per install per month

1M to 10M installs

$450 / mo

Roughly $ .0001
per install per month

10M to 50M installs

$2 000 / mo

Roughly $ .00007
per install per month

10k to 100k installs

$120 / mo

Roughly $ .002
per install per month

100k to 1M installs

$300 / mo

Roughly $ .0005
per install per month

1M to 10M installs

$560 / mo

Roughly $ .0001
per install per month

10M to 50M installs

$2 400 / mo

Roughly $ .00008
per install per month

asked questions

Ian Han

Ian Han

Ironforge — Senior Mobile Dev

I’ve been a customer for nearly a year and have logged hundreds of bugs. It has been pretty much flawless.

Bug and crash reporting tool you’ve been looking for.

Add to app in minutes

Doesn’t affect app speed

GDPR & CCPA compliant