How to use in-app feedback to improve your app

This article is going to guide you through the steps you need to take in order to use in-app feedback to improve your app.

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14 qualities to look for in candidates for software developers

There is a considerable demand for software developers. Still, many struggle while hiring. We'll cover 14 traits you should look for in a software developer.

7 ways to assess programming skills when hiring new developers

In this article, we'll teach you how to assess programming skills when hiring new developers and ensure you're hiring the right person for your team.

6 software development hiring trends to know

This article will give you a brief overview of the current software development hiring trends you should be aware of.

How to hire tech talent in a very competitive market

We will show you some of the most effective strategies that can help you hire tech talent and get them excited about working for you.

7 software developer soft skills to look for when hiring one

In this article, you will learn 7 software developer soft skills you should look for when hiring one.

12 culture fit interview questions you need to ask developers

We examine the most important culture fit interview questions you need to ask developers so you can assess if a developer’s values are synchronized with those of your organization.

How to hire developers for culture fit

This article will give you some great tips for hiring great developers for culture fit.

5 tips on how to scale software development teams

We give you 5 tips on some of the proven strategies for scaling a software development team.

What does a software engineering manager do?

Get more info about the role of a software engineering manager, about what they do, how they manage people, and how they can use technology to their advantage.

Common challenges in scaling engineering teams

Scaling engineering teams comes with some challenges, but we’ll teach you how to overcome them.

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